Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Hello World.

...I worked out tonight. Yeah me! I didn't want to, but I sucked it up anyway.  I needed a break from the kids and the house. Yesterday I was on a mission to finally finish cleaning out Sweet Girls closet  and we spent all day at home and then today it rained all day and forced us to stay in again, so I was desperate enough for outside air that I worked out. Going to regret it tomorrow, but for now I am enjoying a guilt free sugar cone with Roasted Almond S'more icecream! Yum. That is all, goodnight.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I'm Back.

It has been way too long since I have posted. I wont even spend time going over all the excuses I have for not having been here in so long, just going to dive right in...

I am no longer a mom of only two, Sweet Girl joined us on June 1st of this year. She is as her (Internet) name implies an angel baby. Honestly I would have 10 of her. Today she rolled over from her tummy  to her back!! Woohoo! This is definitely a memorable event for all moms, but extra special for me, because I have been concerned that I may have to walk Sweet Girl down the aisle. Literally walk her down the aisle, when she's 30! You see, she seemed to be a bit behind her older siblings in terms of moving around (both were early crawlers and walked by 9months).  I attributed some of this to her easy going nature, but mostly I know it is because she pretty much lives in her carrier, attached to my chest. While I am a baby wearing, attachment parenting kinda gyal, I am certainly not a die hard and I can actually get my tasks done more efficiently if she is not attached to me. So why do I keep her attached you ask? Why am I stunting SG's development? Well its because we live with a toddler terrorist who is prone to sneak attacks on poor innocent SG. I am merely doing what any mother would to ensure thier kids survival. Anyhow, long story short I am soo proud of SG today, despite the roadblocks she actually achieved this milestone! Perhaps she'll walk herself down the aisle afterall...

Ok my house is a mess and the kids are all screaming. I am going to go and deal with it and them.
More later. I hope.