Tuesday, March 1, 2011

When it rains it pours...


So we have plumbing problems! Already! When we went by the house last night,  after being there for about an hour, I noticed that the kitchen floor was wet.  I was trying to figure out which of the kids or Mr. P had spilt something and just left it, when Mr. P told me to look up and sure enough the damn ceiling was leaking. Mr.P dashed upstairs, because we naturally assumed it must be the upstiars bathroom, but there were no signs of water there and we hadn't even used the bathroom...anyhow, to make a long story short multiple pipes have burst because the previous owner turned the heat down too low. They must have frozen and then when we turned the heat up the water in the pipes melted through.We found a new leak this evening. 

 We have to get plumbers in and go through lawyers to recoup from the seller, but we are still really excited and in love with our new home. Mr. P has sanded the whole first floor and it looks better already.

I will take pictures tomorrow and post.

Going to bed I have to be at work for 7.30am!!!


Sunday, February 27, 2011


Good Night,

We close on the new house tomorrow!! Hoot Hoot! All this week Mr. P and I have been bouncing around ideas and plans for the space and day dreaming about the day when it will be what we imagine it can be. (SuperBoy has also been busy planning and dreaming about his new tree house. Last I heard he planned to have a couch  up there and a bathroom. He dreams big!)

We actually got the keys earlier today when we met the lawyer to sign all the docs, so technically I could go in now. I am very (very) tempted to do so, but will do the right thing and wait until everything is official tomorrow.

On Tuesday and Wednesday Mr.P is going to refinish the hardwood floors. We are still torn about what stain colour we will go with. I would prefer a darker stain, but because there is inlay we can't go as dark as I would like, and also I was reminded about how much the darker floors show dirt and dust. So really really dark is out. We bought a bunch of samples and he will test them out before going ahead. I told him that this decision could be his (within reason :), I don't want a stain that's too red or orange), as I am going to wield the power of veto for everything else. See how nice I can be.

Here are a couple of pictures of the space as it is now. The photos don't do it justice and I realized now that I wasn't very smart with my picture taking and that I missed some rooms! Oh well, I will do better "Before" pics when I get in.

This is looking towards the front door, which really deserves it's own picture. It's beautiful gumwood with leaded glass.I will post a good one soon. The room on the left in the picture will be our dining room and the one on the right will be our living room. (I forgot to take a picture of the family room Which makes sense since it's the main room we'll use! )

This is looking into the dining rToom. The wall colour will definitely change, it seems the previous owners just tried to match the paint to the fire place. There is a huge window on the right inside the room and check out the original stained glass and beautiful gumwood columns. I love them, but will admit that I toy with the idea of painting all or some of that wood. Mr. P would die. We'll see what I choose...

  This one and the two above are what we will use as our living room. It has a fire place and a whole wall of beautiful windows that look out the front of the house. Sadly the previous owners covered the windows with those old metal office blinds and the put up that wall paper. This room is definitely a project.

These five are obviously the kitchen, and obviously show my lack of camera skills. Starting with the top two, if you were to put them together, that is what you would see as you walked into the kitchen, which is opposite the front door.  The middle two, show the odious island that the old owners recently put in! It is to the left of the door as you walk into the kitchen. The second picture with the island shows the window that is to the back of the kitchen. Here I plan to do a built-in banquette. The last picture, the one right above this, shows the wall we intend to open up to  the living  room by creating a breakfast bar. This room is going to require the most of us. We have to remove that island, the flooring, the wall and
From the second floor looking down to the landing.
On the second floor landing looking down to the front door area.

These are pics of what we will use as our office/craft/sewing/homework room. I am soooo excited to tackle this space. The wallpaper will come down and I would like to take down the closet doors and create a built-in work space. I envision myself spending a great deal of time in this room. Can't wait!

Sadly this is the only picture I seem to have taken of what will be our guest bedroom. That door leads to what will be a deck. If you come to visit then you can sip your morning, or evening, beverage out there!

These six are from NoNo's room. Isn't it pretty! I almost even like the colour that they painted the wall in this room. When we are done with this room its going to be the perfect retro vintage princess room!

Unfortunately I did not get any pictures of SuperBoy's room. It is next to the bathroom, which I also didn't take any pictures of, and directly across from NoNo's room.

The bedrooms all fan off of this area. To the left you will see the striped craft room, to the right of that would be the guestroom and then the kids rooms and bathroom. Those stairs lead Mr. P's and my retreat!
That's my momma going towards the light. Heading up the stairs to our room.
The view of our room as you go up the sta

Some shots of my HUGE bedroom. Look at all that natural light! Yes that's a window seat :)

These show the two alcoves on either side of the
stairs as you enter the room. Here is where I would
like to do built in closets.
The veiw looking towards the window seat. The fan has got to go!
....and the other side.
This was in one of the rooms when we went to see the house. Do you know who this is? It looks like Criss Angel, but it's not....I was surprised when my mom hit me with this radom bit of trivia.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Thrifty Monday!!

Good Morning,

These past couple days have been  BUSY!!!! We spent alot of time together as a family, trying to soak up the last days of my mat leave.... best of all I have not had to cook! Between meals out and eating at my Mom's I have been spoiled!.

Friday night we went to Buckeyes Smokehouse for dinner with my mom and sister. This was a great kick start to the weekend. I strongly suggest you check them out, this was our 2nd visit as a family and Mr. P's 4th and so far everything we've had (Jambalaya, Burgers, Chicken & Waffles, Antojitos, Mac 'n' Cheese, Beef tibs, to name a few) has been delicious!! The burgers in particular are the the bomb.

On Saturday Mr.P, the kids and I we went down to Ottawa Street to do a little thrifting and so I could take Mr.P to Antique Avenue. We did well, I picked up a couple odds and ends, Mr.P spent more money than I could believe on thousands of vintage marbles and,best of all, we finally found a dining room set we LOOOVE from The Millionaire's Daughter.

Here is a sampling of some of the stuff we got this weekend and a cute piece I got for NoNo on Kijijji. (Pictures aren't the best. Sorry. My Camera dropped and the flash no longer works, and the lens is all dented :(... also ignore all the ugly apt backdrops. New house next week!)

Got this sweet little dresser/table thing on Kijiji for NoNo. I plan to paint it white and change out the hardware and make the cutest little princess table for her. I will post pics when I finish it. This baby was $40.00

Picked this sweet little mirror up at Antique Avenue. It was $15.00, which was more than I wanted to spend, but I fell in love with it. I actually left the store, got to the car and turned back to go get it. I couldn't leave it. The pictures on the side could eventually be replaced, but I love them (for now).
Firstly, ignore the terrible old stove in the pic. Sadly, it was the best light in this cave I currently call home. Secondly check out those two cuties! My mom scored these for me this week. They will go perfectly with my angel.
Got this tin at Antique Avenue. I really only got it because it was made in Jamaica. I am going to clean it up and then find some place to display it.
Got this at Antique Avenue as well, and for the same reason as the one above.

This is a sweet little book for NoNo. It's a Cupid  fabric book from 1967. It's called Pussy Cats, and cost $1.00

I got this cardboard record to display in NoNo's rool. On the back it a picture of an Elephant and a rooster and it says "Would you rather be an Elephant" Sooo sweet and cost me nothing!
This is a Social Hygiene Booklet for Parents, from the Canadian Social Hygiene Council and was printed in 1926!! I have no practical purpose for it, but plan to house it in my new living room.

Got this for $1.00 and have no real use for it other than as a conversation piece. I am not sure how old it is or who made it or anything, but I thought it was cute.

 This is the dining room set we got from The Millionaires Daughter. It's solid walnut and its beautiful! It comes with two leaves and 8 chairs. We had been searching for awhile now for a new set and when we saw this one we fell in love. The pictures are not the best and you have to ignore all the stuff the store had on it, but the craftsmanship on this table is superb.The wood grain all matches up on the table top and the pedestals are very clean and modern looking. Love Love Love this set!
                                         The piece below on the right is the hutch that goes with the table. We loved it    too and decided to get both! I will post pics once we have the room set up!
Mr. P and I capped off this great weekend with a dinner for two at Wass Ethiopian restaurant. We have been before and will go again. Not only is the food great (we always have one of the combination platters), but the prices are sooo reasonable. It was $27.00 for us both to eat (lamb wat & vegetarian platter), Mr.P had an Ethiopian beer and we had left overs!!! Added bonus, if you are not  a germaphobe, is that you you eat it traditional Ethiopian style which is communal eating. It was a nice end to the weekend and Mr.P and I really needed a date night.

Well I am off. It's Family Day here so I am off to be with my family and prep for my first day back to work tomorrow. 
