Sunday, February 27, 2011


Good Night,

We close on the new house tomorrow!! Hoot Hoot! All this week Mr. P and I have been bouncing around ideas and plans for the space and day dreaming about the day when it will be what we imagine it can be. (SuperBoy has also been busy planning and dreaming about his new tree house. Last I heard he planned to have a couch  up there and a bathroom. He dreams big!)

We actually got the keys earlier today when we met the lawyer to sign all the docs, so technically I could go in now. I am very (very) tempted to do so, but will do the right thing and wait until everything is official tomorrow.

On Tuesday and Wednesday Mr.P is going to refinish the hardwood floors. We are still torn about what stain colour we will go with. I would prefer a darker stain, but because there is inlay we can't go as dark as I would like, and also I was reminded about how much the darker floors show dirt and dust. So really really dark is out. We bought a bunch of samples and he will test them out before going ahead. I told him that this decision could be his (within reason :), I don't want a stain that's too red or orange), as I am going to wield the power of veto for everything else. See how nice I can be.

Here are a couple of pictures of the space as it is now. The photos don't do it justice and I realized now that I wasn't very smart with my picture taking and that I missed some rooms! Oh well, I will do better "Before" pics when I get in.

This is looking towards the front door, which really deserves it's own picture. It's beautiful gumwood with leaded glass.I will post a good one soon. The room on the left in the picture will be our dining room and the one on the right will be our living room. (I forgot to take a picture of the family room Which makes sense since it's the main room we'll use! )

This is looking into the dining rToom. The wall colour will definitely change, it seems the previous owners just tried to match the paint to the fire place. There is a huge window on the right inside the room and check out the original stained glass and beautiful gumwood columns. I love them, but will admit that I toy with the idea of painting all or some of that wood. Mr. P would die. We'll see what I choose...

  This one and the two above are what we will use as our living room. It has a fire place and a whole wall of beautiful windows that look out the front of the house. Sadly the previous owners covered the windows with those old metal office blinds and the put up that wall paper. This room is definitely a project.

These five are obviously the kitchen, and obviously show my lack of camera skills. Starting with the top two, if you were to put them together, that is what you would see as you walked into the kitchen, which is opposite the front door.  The middle two, show the odious island that the old owners recently put in! It is to the left of the door as you walk into the kitchen. The second picture with the island shows the window that is to the back of the kitchen. Here I plan to do a built-in banquette. The last picture, the one right above this, shows the wall we intend to open up to  the living  room by creating a breakfast bar. This room is going to require the most of us. We have to remove that island, the flooring, the wall and
From the second floor looking down to the landing.
On the second floor landing looking down to the front door area.

These are pics of what we will use as our office/craft/sewing/homework room. I am soooo excited to tackle this space. The wallpaper will come down and I would like to take down the closet doors and create a built-in work space. I envision myself spending a great deal of time in this room. Can't wait!

Sadly this is the only picture I seem to have taken of what will be our guest bedroom. That door leads to what will be a deck. If you come to visit then you can sip your morning, or evening, beverage out there!

These six are from NoNo's room. Isn't it pretty! I almost even like the colour that they painted the wall in this room. When we are done with this room its going to be the perfect retro vintage princess room!

Unfortunately I did not get any pictures of SuperBoy's room. It is next to the bathroom, which I also didn't take any pictures of, and directly across from NoNo's room.

The bedrooms all fan off of this area. To the left you will see the striped craft room, to the right of that would be the guestroom and then the kids rooms and bathroom. Those stairs lead Mr. P's and my retreat!
That's my momma going towards the light. Heading up the stairs to our room.
The view of our room as you go up the sta

Some shots of my HUGE bedroom. Look at all that natural light! Yes that's a window seat :)

These show the two alcoves on either side of the
stairs as you enter the room. Here is where I would
like to do built in closets.
The veiw looking towards the window seat. The fan has got to go!
....and the other side.
This was in one of the rooms when we went to see the house. Do you know who this is? It looks like Criss Angel, but it's not....I was surprised when my mom hit me with this radom bit of trivia.

The house definitely needs some TLC, but we are up for the challenge and I think when we are done we are going to have an awesome space. I will take better pictures once we get in. I left out plenty.

Going to bed now, but I look forward to sharing all the house excitement with you. 


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