Wednesday, February 9, 2011

DAY 8 - Wednesday with my ladies...


Today I hung out with my Mom and NoNo and it was just what the nurse ordered.

...for breakfast SuperBoy requested peanut butter toast. This is something I made for him all the time when it was just the two of us. It's whole grain toast with peanut butter and sliced bananas, and then drizzled with honey and sprinkled with cinamon. Yummy! (I may actually have to go make one now). He had it with a smoothie and yogurt. NoNo had yogurt and toast and cheese and I didn't have much of an apetite this morning so I just had a smoothie.

After dropping SuperBoy off to school NoNo and I hooked up with mom and we went to the Re-Use Centre in Burlington. We worked that place for just over two hours and after spending a bank breaking total of $12.00 look at all my new treasures:

These two at a $1.00 each were steals! I am not sure yet where they will end up but I really love them.  The yellow one has a bit of fraying at the top that I will need to tend to.

Love this little piece of art. I can see it grouped with the two girlies above and the lady below. This cost $0.50.

Favorite find of the week! I love this soo much and at $2.00 it was made for my house. This piece is so retro and yet so current and it is exactly the colour palette I am loving now. It has a sticker on the back that reads: Ecstasy Giftware Shannonville, Ont. Handcrafted in Canada. N.C. Cameron & Sons Ltd. Toronto.  I like that its called Ecstasy because it sure makes me feel ecstatic! (hehehe)

This is one of those funny items that both captivates and repulses. It's so ugly its pretty.  I keep hemming and hawing over it and have finally decided that I do love it and I am proud to one day place this grey/gold eagled ice bucket on my bar! The signature on the front says Norman R. Wamer, and a quick google search reveals that this guy is serious about his birds and I am not the only one out there with one these . Cost- $2.00

This little jar called my name as I walked by. He was so cute I just couldn't leave him, even though I felt like he was a bit pricey at a $1.00. It's an ice box jar for something called McLarens Nut Crush...and if that were not enough it has 4/5 old corks in it. Makes me wonder who owned this jar and why they saved these corks. I like to think that they are all represent special occasions where a good bottle was had. 2nd favorite find of the day.

I got a total of 15 books! They were $050 each and they were each special in thier own way. The pictures don't do them justice and I really should take some pictures of the insides. The graphics are awesome and it's so neat to travel back in time and see how people spoke & thought and see just how much more we know now. The one above  is an old geography text book that dates from around 1950.

This one and the one below are both books with  plays for kids to act out. The one above is from 1956 and it's not only beautiful to look at ( I will post some pics one day of the inside as well) but it will come in handy the next time SuperBoy says "I'm Bored!".

This book is soo beautiful to look at with or without the cover in the picture. It's from 1963 and still has the original Eaton's price tag on it, which I believe says $0.79, even though the inside jacket cover says it was originally $3.29.

These are about as old as me. I like groups of three and I like the name Tuffa, it reminds me of NoNo's nickname Bongo-Tuffi.

This is a mint condition 1974 copy of Wuthering Heights. Have yet to actually read this, maybe I will now.

This 1973 copy of Barbee Carleton's Benny and The Bear is too sweet, and I can picture reading this to NoNo on the front porch.

This old record book has a bit of writing in it, but I plan to use it to record all my worth recording recipes. I hope that years and years and years and years from now someone else finds it in a junk store and they try my famous baked mac'n'cheese.

This one is for SuperBoy's collection. It is a Rand McNally Elf Book and the inside is just as spectacular to look at as the cover, and even though its been taped on the spine, its in pretty decent condition for being 55 years old. I believe it is a first edition.

Picked up these knives for $0.50 each. The one on the left is Glo Hill bakelite and the other is a steak knife with a faux antler bakelite handle. It says "Warranted GH Cutlery", so I am thinking it might be Glo Hill as well??.

These little stacking mugs will be a perfect addition to my morning routine, and I can also imagine them equally as comfortable in my back yard during the summer with something cold and fruity. Being oven proof as well means that the possibilities are endless for these girls.

That's all I can show you today. Momma is tired, but before I go, for posterity's sake, we all ate leftover stewed beef for lunch. It was even better today, thank you very much, and for dinner I hacked a recipe I saw online this morning at The Noshery for Garbanzos with Smoked Chorizo. I changed things up a bit and used Portuguese smoked sausage and I mixed in fava beans with the chick peas ( You know I just learnt today that Garbanzo beans = Chick Peas). We had it with fresh Portuguese buns and it was goood! Mr. P does not eat pork, something I try not to hold against him, so this was a good meal to cook in his absence. I will post my version of the recipe one day.

Good Night 

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