Monday, February 7, 2011

DAY 6 - Thrifty Monday!

Today was a pretty good day. The kids and I really worked well together this morning and we got up, going and off without a single hitch.

We had ham and cheese bagels and yogurt for breakfast. Then NoNo and I dropped SuperBoy off to school and headed to Value Village, or VV as my mom calls it. They had a 50% off sale and I have been itching to do a bit of thrifting for the new house so off we went. The place was packed! People don't play with those sales. Luckily most were there for the clothes and I was interested in the books and tchotchke.

I did really well and got some really sweet stuff at pretty sweet prices. It was soo good in fact, that after dinner, which was whole wheat pasta with a tomato sauce, my mom came by and we hit up another VV location, and got even more deals! Below are a couple pictures of a few of my new treasures. I will come back in the morning to tell you why I love these specific pieces and give you more tales from the hunt. It's late and I should hit the sack.


Saw this piece and immediately knew he would be going home with me. I am not sure yet where it will go, but he's a beaut. Cost - $1.99 

Vintage books for SuperBoy and NoNo's collections. My mom started collecting for them and these will be nice additions. I plan to have library style bookshelves in their rooms to display these. Even more awesome are that three of them were inscribed and two have bits of paper left by the previous readers, which I think just adds to the specialness. Cost - $0.99each

This sweet little lady is a Christmas ornament. She plays music and spins ever so slowly and daintily on her base. I have to do a bit more research to try and figure out when she was made and where she might have come from. Cost - $2.99                        

Love this little glass.  Not sure yet if it will be for NoNo to use or if I will keep it for holding items on a desk. I can imagine it grouped with the cute little ceramic owl below . Cost - $0.49                                                                                                                         

Love these great mid-century atomic glasses. They match perfectly a set of larger glasses my mom gave my this past Christmas. Cost - $0.49 each.                                                                                                                                                                                    

I was just drawn to this. I remember the game and also I love the colours and plan to use it in one of the kids rooms decoration/ conversation piece. Inside was a folded up piece of paper with names and scores! Cost - $1.00                                                                                                                                                   

Got this for Mr.P. It's an old Sunbeam electric razor. I think it will be cool displayed in his dressing area, and I plan to continue collecting items like this for him. Cost-$0.00                                                               

These two sweet little owls were picked up separately. The green one is the inspiration piece for NoNo's new bedroom. I loveee the colours. So far I have picked up these two and another that was carved in Jamaica for her. I can already picture the brown one as paper weight to the catch all acorn glass above. Total Cost - $4.99                                          

These beauties are by Kathie Winkle . I believe the sugar bowl would have originally had a cover, but other than that they are in tip top shape. They are going to look great in my kitchen! Cost - $3.99                                                                                           

Look at my new silver butter dish! It makes me feel fancy and sophisticated, and I love the look of silver mixed in with everything else. I just need to clean and shine this girl up and it will become our new everyday butter dish. I needed one I have been using the same hand-me-down one my mom gave me when I went to University!  Cost - $5.99                                                   

To say that I love these glasses would be an understatement! I LURVE them! They are the definition of style meets function. No more getting drinks mixed up, built in drinking game, can use them to teach the kids their numbers, the possibilities are endless...The gold at the top is pretty worn on some and sadly the set that I imagine originally had 8 glasses is missing numbers 4, 5 & 8., but that just gives me something to hunt for.  Cost - $0.49 each                                                                              

"I just love this iron!", is not something I ever imagined myself saying until I found this cutie. It's made in Toronto by Samson and except for the cord being a bit chewed up and it needing a bit of a cleaning its in great shape. Parents back in the 50's, when I believe this was made, clearly were not as neurotic as they are today because this little iron actually worked at one point (it may work now, but I am afraid to plug it in as the cord is looking rough and I value my house and life), and it's heavy..I will use it as a reminder to the kids that they are lucky their mother is a neurotic! Cost - $5.00                                    

Linking to Apron Thrift Girls - Thrift Share Monday.


  1. Wow! Pick up sticks! I love your "number" glasses, too -- great find! You did well. I wish we had a Value Village near me!

  2. Thank You Laurie! I got really lucky and VV is great...tomorrow my Mom and I are heading out to another favorite junk spot, wish us luck!

    Happy Hunting to you!

  3. Wow, you found some great stuff. Our VV had a 50% off sale, too, but it only included clothing and linens, so I didn't go. I especially like the iron, the barware and the books.
