Sunday, February 6, 2011

DAY 3 - Curry, Wine & Momma

Not too much to report for Day 3. I didn't do much cooking; woke up not in the mood.

SuperBoy had cereal for breakfast, Mr P had a bagel & cream cheese with fruit, NoNo had toast, cheese, fruit and yogurt  and it was all washed down with a delish homemade smoothie. SuperBoy says that I make the best smoothies! I love that kid.

For lunch it was just NoNo and I, as SuperBoy was at school. We decided to have french toast! I am almost as passionate about french toast as I am about pancakes. I will share my hard dough bread french toast recipe one day. It's the bomb!

For dinner I happened to be by my moms house, and we ordered Indian food. I loveee me some Indian food. I just ordered one of the prix fixe menu selections and we got samosas, pakoras,  chicken tikka masala, lamb korma, mushroom bahji, polao rice, naan, and papadum. Oh and also those little balls the menu only describes as Indian Dessert, but a little research reveals to be gulab jamun, which seem like an old fashioned timbit dunked in syrup. It was all very delicious, and if you too are interested in some good Indian food check out Gate of India. You won't regret it!


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