Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 9 & 10 - Blah Blah Blah

Good Morning,

Wondering where I have been for the past two days?  Probably not, but I am going to tell you anyway...No where, that's where. Its been freaking cold, too cold to be out and about with NoNo who has been a bit sniffly and miserable.  Also I have been attempting to pack (as NoNo continues to unpack) because we only have two weeks left here (WoooHooo! You have no idea how much I am ready to be out of this stinking apartment) and one week left before I go back to work.

Here is the photographic evidence (warning:I kind of went overboard with the pictures, oh well --- click on the thumbnail if you want to see it bigger)

Yes, she does look like a lifesaver, and she is wearing gloves, carrying my wallet, playing with clothes pins and does have a big toe or two busting out! That's my girl!

Not sure what they were discussing, but it was cute.

she switched their drinks. See he has her sippy cup. She is quick I tell you.

She is loving that straw.

Trying to get  mom's tank top on...

...Still trying ..

Back to working on my used straw.
SuperBoy looking too cool.

Yup, still got the straw.
Hold on while I adjust my shades dahlings...

Yes Dahlings....

Ok, You bore me.

Is it really bedtime?
haha, no it isn't!
Your funny Mommy.
bedtime, hahaha!

Your serious?

No fair!
The next morning
Up early harassing Tito

Kissing him before...

doing this!
Tito I promise it won't hurt this time. I promise.

see, that doesn't hurt...

Oh Tito, your soo dramatic.

SuperBoy chilling in the toy box.

What can I do with these....

What do you think?

All that fashioning tuckered me out. Good Bye.

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