Sunday, February 6, 2011

DAY 5 - Mmmm Pork!

Today Mr. P went away for a week on business, and since his folks are on the way to the airport we spent most of the day at their place before he had to catch his plane.

Mr. P's mom had plenty of food prepared for us to eat. My favorite was the garlic pork. The first time I had it was in university when a friend from Trinidad received a big jar of it from her mom as a pick me up during exam time. Boy does it pick you up!  Mind you the contents of the jar are not all that attractive, but don't judge a jar by it's uncooked contents.
Not the best picture, but you get the idea. Raw meat in liquid = not that pretty.

Trust me, once you fry it up you will be singing like this fellow. It's soo good. I am pretty sure it's a traditional Guyanese Christmas breakfast, but you could eat it any time of the day, with or without bread. Here is a recipe with visuals.

After dinner with P's peeps and seeing him off the kids and I headed home.

They are asleep now and I should join them.

Good Night.

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